How to Clean the Hard to Reach Places: The Ultimate Guide for Cleaning Your Home

25 May 2022

How to Clean the Hard to Reach Places: The Ultimate Guide for Cleaning Your Home

It’s no secret that running a clean home can be a hassle. Keeping up with everything takes time, money, and patience. But maintaining your home shouldn’t be such an uphill battle. Luckily, cleaning your home doesn’t have to be such a chore. Most people aren’t blessed with the ‘keeping-things-clean gene’ and if you are running low on energy or patience as well as spare time, your life will definitely reflect it. The good news is that there are many ways to keep your home cleaner without giving up on it altogether – just some helpful hints will make all the difference. With the right tips from this article, you can feel more confident about keeping your home clean and tidy without stressing the heck out of yourself! And trust us…having a spotless home doesn’t take magical powers…it just requires a little bit of effort from you and some great tools. Let’s get started.

Conduct a Stink-Smelling Inspection

If your home is always getting smelly, you might be missing out on a few key places. Don’t try to clean everything at once – start with the most obvious places that are stinking up the most. Once you’ve located the source, you can address it from there. There are lots of ways to conduct a stink-smelling inspection. You can use a pair of binoculars to see if there’s anything blocking the smell or smell directly with your nose to see if you’re getting any hints. You might have to do a bit of trial and error until you find what’s creating the smell.

Don’t Forget the Grease Trap

Your kitchen is probably the biggest source of unwanted odors. That’s why you need to keep an eye out for signs of a grease trap breaking. If you notice that you’re always having to clean the same areas of your kitchen, it might be time to call a professional. You can easily check if you have a broken grease trap by taking a bin out of the kitchen, leaving the lid up. If there is a persistent smell coming from that bin, it’s probably because there is a broken trap. Once you’ve found the source of the smell, don’t just ignore it. Professional cleaners can clean a grease trap, but the smell will just come back. You can try using some air freshener to cover up the smell. If that doesn’t work, you will have to have your kitchen cleaned professionally.

Keep Everything in Its Place

A messy house breeds clutter. You might be keeping things in their rightful places, but it’s hard to see what you have when you don’t know where to look. A clean environment is always easy on the eyes. Even if you’ve been keeping things the way they’re supposed to be, it’s easy to lose track of where things go. Shuffle all your pots and pans around your kitchen while you’re cooking, or while you’re having a meal. Afterward, put them back in their rightful places. If you usually store your pots and pans in a cabinet, try putting them on the floor. This will make you more likely to put them back in their place when you’re done with them. Try to keep your house in a state of ‘stuff-not-stuck-where-they-belong’. If you’re not sure where something belongs, take a piece of paper and a pen and mark where everything is supposed to go. You can always make another note when you remember.

Tackle the Sticky Stuff

You know that water is the best way to clean and disinfect your home, but sometimes you just can’t run a clean, bacteria-free sink. If you’ve been trying to clean a sticky surface with a soapy water solution, you might have a drain blockage. A drain blockage is usually caused by dirt, grease, or other grime that has built up in your pipes. Another way to tackle the sticky stuff is by spraying your surfaces with an all-purpose cleaner. Make sure you clean the sticky stuff off your surfaces by wiping the cleaner with a clean rag. You don’t want to just rinse the surface with water and let the grime sit there. If you’ve been struggling with an overly-sticky surface, try cleaning it with a spirit or all-purpose cleaner. Make sure you clean the sticky stuff off your surface by wiping the cleaner with a clean rag.

Get a Grip on Dusting

Dust bunnies are a big source of hassle throughout the home. These cute critters make their way from one part of the house to the other, collecting all kinds of dust and dirt. You might have a dust bunny hiding somewhere in your house. You can easily spot a dust bunny by looking at the edges of your furniture. Are there dust bunnies inside the edges of your furniture? If you’re not sure, then dust off the edges of the furniture where they meet the walls. If you see dust bunnies, then you’ll have to have your furniture professionally cleaned or replace the items with less-dust-collecting pieces. Another way to spot dust bunnies is by using a dust mop. You can easily spot dust bunnies by looking at the edges of your furniture. If you see dust bunnies, then you’ll have to have your furniture professionally cleaned or replace the items with less-dust-collecting pieces. You can easily spot dust bunnies by looking at the edges of your furniture. If you see dust bunnies, then you’ll have to have your furniture professionally cleaned or replace the items with less-dust-collecting pieces.

Goodbye, Clutter!

A clean house isn’t just a grand thing to think about; it’s also a good way to save money. A clean house is easier on the nerves and requires less maintenance. Cleaning the house is one of the easiest ways to make your savings while also keeping your mood up! Another great way to save money and keep your home clean is by using a power washer. These handy tools can tackle almost any chore in your garden, driveway, and sidewalks. You can easily clean your deck and sidewalks with a power washer. Using a power washer to clean your house might seem like overkill, but it will save you time and effort from sweeping, scrubbing, and vacuuming. It’s also a great way to keep your home clean and safe from dangerous debris.


Keeping your home clean is an essential step to good health. Clean air is important to good health, especially for people with chronic health conditions such as asthma, allergies, and allergies. Keeping your home clean also reduces the risk of harmful bacteria and viruses, making your life safer. Keeping your home clean is a lot easier than you think. It just takes a little effort and you can accomplish it with a few simple tricks. After all, it’s worth it to clean your home because it will make you feel more comfortable and healthier.

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