How to Clean your House When you Don’t Have Time for it

30 December 2021

How to Clean your House When you Don’t Have Time for it

The process of having to clean your house when you have no time for it can be very aggravating. You may find yourself asking what in the world are you going to do with all that free time now that the house is clean? Rest assured, after reading this article, you will never have to ask this question again!

Now let’s get down to business. Here are some helpful hints on how to clean your entire house when you don’t have time for it!

1) Take down all of your pictures and throw them away. You’ll save a ton of time later when you’re too tired from having cleaned your entire house in seconds to hang them back up properly.

2) Take all the food out of your refrigerator. If it’s spoiled, that’s too bad! You won’t have time to clean up the mess because you will have just cleaned your entire house in seconds flat!

3) Throw away everything on top of your stove. Again, if there is a mess…no time for that now!

4) Move furniture around so that they are not where they were originally designed to be placed.

5) When somebody comes to visit, say you are really busy but ask them what they are doing tomorrow night. They will most likely say ‘I’m free!’ Then tell them you can’t hang out with them tonight. But ask if they want to do something tomorrow instead. When they agree, say that you forgot you were busy and then ask them if they can come over tonight. They will say no because they just agreed to hang out tomorrow night. If asked why, tell them because it’s your house you can do what you want!

6) Pretend to fall asleep in one place when somebody comes to visit. If asked what happened, make something up like ‘oh I went out with the girls last night and got hit by a bus on my way home’ or ‘I feel really bad about turning down hanging out with you tonight…I was really tired from cleaning my entire house yesterday in seconds flat.’

7) When somebody asks how long it took for you to clean your house in seconds flat, look at the clock. Then tell them it’s amazing how time flies when you’re having fun.

8) When somebody asks if they could help you clean up, say ‘no’ because the only thing worse than cleaning your entire house in seconds flat is having to listen to someone else complain about it!

9) Since you don’t really have any furniture anymore, why not go out and buy some new stuff? You can afford it now that you’ve cleaned your entire house in seconds flat!

10) When the sun goes down, look out your window. If you live in a small town with just one streetlight, close the blinds and go to sleep because you have no idea how long it takes to clean your entire house in seconds flat! If this article did not help you clean your house when you don’t have time for it then do not blame me because I was only trying to help.

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