Difference Between Commercial Cleaning and Residential Cleaning

14 June 2022

Difference Between Commercial Cleaning and Residential Cleaning

When you get professional cleaning services, it is important to understand the difference between residential and commercial cleaning. If you are looking for your office to be professionally cleaned, you should hire a professional company that specializes in commercial cleaning. The differences between residential cleaning and commercial cleaning are described below:

Different Spaces

Home has a living room, drawing room, bedroom, kitchen, kid’s rooms, garage, basement, attic, etc.; cleaning them is quite different from cleaning an office which probably has different spaces such as seminar room, meeting room, bullpen, corner office, kitchen, etc. Different rooms have different furniture. You might have couches, dining tables, chairs, nightstands, and such furniture at home. But in the office, there are desks and chairs and such. Cleaning different kinds of spaces requires different expertise. Someone who cleans an office should know that there are probably many wires and multiple computers that cannot be harmed; at home, one might need to pay attention to costly rugs.


Cleaning an office or commercial space helps create a better brand image; visitors or customers will leave with a good experience and enjoy their visit. Good hygiene will ensure that no one gets any allergic reaction or sickness from your office or the commercial space. A clean place is also preferred for multiple visits. If your office is dirty, people are not likely to visit again. We all judge a place by its cleanliness, and we believe that good places are always considerate of cleanliness and hygiene; looking at it from the other side, you should make sure that people who visit you notice no dirt or damage at your place. A clean office will also save your employees from getting any sickness or having allergic reactions. Productivity will also increase because of the clean and fresh office environment. Having your home professionally cleaned also helps you with hygienic space; however, the visitors are not your customers; they are probably your guests or relatives. The importance of cleaning is not something to ignore, whether residential or commercial.

Time and Equipment Need

Cleaning a home might not require more time than commercial cleaning in Melbourne. Depending on how big the house or the office is, the time required would differ too. Cleaning a home might require two to three people while cleaning an office would require more people. Lastly, equipment used for cleaning a house and an office may also be different. Cleaning efficiently and properly requires good equipment and the proper cleaning detergents and chemicals; choosing those should be done well according to the space that is being cleaned. Using strong or not strong enough smells can make the cleaning less effective for the people who are spending time in those cleaned spaces.
When you expect good productivity, a fresh environment, and happy and healthy employees, you should ensure that regular commercial cleaning is undertaken. You can contact us for experienced and skilled cleaners who will not miss a single spot and give your office a fresh and clean makeover.

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